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A Glimpse at the Undeniable Advantages of Laser Printers

If you run your fingers on a metal or plastic surface and can feel the writing or graphics against your skin, chances are that the surface contains fiber laser engravings. Laser inkjet printer is immensely popular in a wide range of industries owing to its myriad functions and convenience of use. Let’s look at some significant advantages of using laser printers at your workplace:

  1. Low maintenance cost

One of the most significant advantages of laser printers is that they do not require ink refills and, therefore, involve low maintenance costs. Consequently, they are cost-effective long-term investments for many industries.

  • Suitable for more intricate markings

Unlike industrial inkjet printers, laser printers lend themselves to more intricate markings and can be used to produce a wide range of designs.

  • Easy integration to production lines

The beam deflection unit or scan head of the laser printer can be placed away from the printing surface as opposed to inkjet printers, wherein the head is placed very close to the surface. Consequently, integration to production lines is much easier for laser printers compared to CIJ printers.

  • Long-lasting markings

The design or text by laser printers is embossed on the metal or plastic surface on which it has been carved; thus, it is relatively permanent.

Both laser and CIJ printers have their perks and perils. Choosing the right laser printer is all about understanding one’s specific requirements and the distinct features of each type of printer.